AVR-GCC 14.1.0 for Windows released: supports 32-bit and 64-bit systems
You plan to upload a version of AVR-GCC that is compatible with both 32-bit and 64-bit Windows, including Binutils, AVR-LibC, AVRDUDE, Make, and GDB. This means you will provide a complete development toolchain, making it convenient for Windows users to develop AVR microcontroller projects.
You also mention that, except for AVRDUDE, all binary files are built from source code using MinGW on a Debian virtual machine. This ensures the reliability and consistency of the binary files.
Providing both 32-bit and 64-bit Windows binary files is also convenient for users to choose the suitable version. Moreover, you will provide a bash script that allows users to easily build AVR-GCC, AVR-Binutils, AVR-LibC, and AVR-GDB from source code. This is particularly useful for users who need to customize or optimize the toolchain.
Overall, your upload will provide a convenient, reliable, and customizable AVR microcontroller development toolchain for Windows users.
Included tools
Tool | Version |
GCC | 14.1.0 |
Binutils | 2.42 |
AVR-LibC | 2.2.0 |
GDB | 14.2 |
AVRDUDE | 7.2 (Not included in Linux release) |
Make | 4.2.1 (Not included in Linux release) |