September 2016

IR Interferer Circuit Based on 555 Timer: Notes on Power Supply Voltage and Transistor Selection

I built a simple circuit based on a 555 timer to interfere with infrared (IR) communications such as TV remote controls. When I first made it (October 2011), the circuit was unreliable in interfering with IR signals and eventually stopped working. It wasn’t until I recently bought a mini DSO that I discovered the circuit required at least 6.5V to reach the 38KHz frequency, while the 9V battery I was using was running out of power and couldn’t provide enough energy to reach 38KHz. After connecting it to a clean 9V power source and adjusting it to 38KHz with the help of the mini DSO, the interferer finally worked perfectly.

It’s worth noting that the transistor, 470R and 5R6 resistors, and 1N4148 diode form a constant current source of approximately 125mA to drive the IR LED. This will make the transistor quite hot. With a 9V power supply voltage and an LED Vf of 1.6V, the voltage drop across the transistor will be 6.8Vce, producing 850mW of heat at 125mA. This is actually higher than the rated 630mW of the 2N4401 transistor I used, so please make sure to choose the correct transistor to avoid problems.

[Schematic source (50 – 555 Projects on Talking Electronics)]

Microcontroller PWM Controller: A Design Based on ATtiny25 and MOSFET

I recently designed a PWM controller based on a microcontroller and MOSFET, which can control high-current loads. It’s a bit like a PWM controller based on a 555 timer, but now using a microcontroller and MOSFET instead of a 555 IC and transistor.

I made two versions, one with acceleration and deceleration switches, and another with a potentiometer. The controller uses an ATtiny25 microcontroller, running at 31.25KHz (8MHz internal RC/256 prescaler), powered by 3.3V. I used an STP36NF06L MOSFET, with a maximum 0.045Rds and 2.5Vgs, which is suitable for 3.3V power supply. The MOSFET produces only ~180mW of heat at 2A, which doesn’t require a heat sink.

In the circuit diagram, if using a 5V power supply, R1 should be changed from 100R to 150R to keep the current below 40mA. Zener diodes D1 and D2 are used for ESD protection, requiring a voltage rating above the uC power supply voltage and below the maximum gate voltage of the MOSFET. The STP36NF06L MOSFET can easily switch ~8A, but requires some heat sinks. The potentiometer selection also needs to consider the microcontroller ADC reading and current consumption.

Update – July 10, 2013

I recently designed a new …

From Arduino to AVR Microcontrollers: My Electronic Journey

I’ve been following Arduino and finally got my hands on an Uno and a 16×2 character LCD with RGB backlight. This new electronic world is exciting me. For years, I’ve been interested in digital control devices like LCDs, wondering how to use them, but was always blocked by the complexity of microcontrollers. However, using Arduino’s LCD library made it easy to connect the LCD, and I quickly made a stereo audio VU meter and a basic FFT spectrum analyzer.

Next, I started exploring wireless technology. I bought NRF24L01 wireless modules, a USBASP AVR programmer, a USB to UART converter, and an ATMega168 microcontroller from Ebay. Using the Mirf library, I successfully made one controller change the LCD backlight color of another controller.

After getting used to the Arduino IDE, I wanted to dive deeper into how the code truly controls the chip. So, I downloaded Atmel Studio 6, the ATMega168 chip datasheet, and followed tutorials on to learn the basics of AVR microcontrollers, starting from timers and interrupts. Now, I’ve grasped the basics of AVR microcontrollers and have many project ideas involving AVR uCs.

EaseHome: Unlock the Future of Smart Home Automation

EaseHome is a revolutionary smart home chatbot that lets you control and monitor your home with ease. Using natural language processing and machine learning, EaseHome understands your voice commands and responds accordingly, making it easy to manage your home’s temperature, lighting, security, and more. With EaseHome, you can experience the future of smart home automation today.

Getting Started

EaseHome Tutorial

EaseHome: Unlock the Future of Smart Home Automation

Welcome to EaseHome: A Smart Home Chatbot Tutorial

Imagine being able to converse with your home, effortlessly asking questions like “What’s the current temperature?” or “Are all doors locked?” and even controlling your home’s settings with simple voice commands like “Set the kitchen temperature to 19°C!” This futuristic vision, inspired by movies like “Minority Report,” is now within reach. In this tutorial, we’ll explore how to integrate a cutting-edge text recognition system into a smart home system using the Microsoft Bot Framework and Language Understanding Intelligent Service (LUIS).

The Dream of a Smart Home